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Complaints & Digital Scams
Complaints & Digital ScamsDigital Scams. What are they and where to get advice and support
Digital Scams are growing in the UK and at GAME we want to stop this from happening.
What is a digital Scam?
A digital scam is where yourself or someone you know is taken advantage of by individuals looking for you to purchase digital cards such as Gift Cards, iTunes Cards or Steam cards and pay for them and then handover the codes to the fraudsters. For example, have you recently had a cold call or E-Mail (note: scams are not limited to taking these forms) from someone asking you to pay them using digital credit (most commonly Steam and iTunes) stating any of the following:
• You owe money to HMRC?
• You owe money to a previous or current phone company?
• You owe money for a previous PayPal or Gumtree purchase?
• You owe money for previous shipping fees for a product?
• You can donate steam, Amazon or iTunes vouchers towards sick on underprivileged children?
• You have had an E-Mail or message from someone stating to be your line manager or above (CEO) to buy digital credit?
If you answered yes to any of the above you might be the victim of an attempted digital scam. Remember Apple (iTunes) and Steam gift cards can ONLY be used to purchase items direct from that company. If you're approached to use the cards for any other payment, you could very likely be the target of a scam. Do not provide the numbers on the back of the gift card to anyone that you don't know.
The FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) have a dedicated page where you can find out how to protect yourself from the most common types of scams. You can access the information here.
Steam Wallet Gift Card Scam - General information for customers
You can also check if something might be a scam on the on the Citizens Advice website.
Where to get support if you or someone you know has fallen victim to a scam.
Action Fraud is the UK's national reporting centre for fraud and cyber crime where you should report fraud if you have been scammed, defrauded or experienced cyber crime.
You can contact Action Fraud Monday to Friday 8am - 8pm and contact details can be found here.
Age UK can offer advice and support if you are concerned about an elderly family member or friend who may have been subjected to a digital scam. They can be contacted by clicking here
Action on Elder Abuse can also offer advice and support if you are concerned about an elderly family member or friend who may have been subjected to a digital scam. They can be contacted by clicking here.
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