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Closed ServicesWhat will happen with Value Guarantee?
Any Elite Members that have held a Membership for 12 consecutive months (either by paying monthly or for a fixed period of 12 consecutive months) will receive a pro-rated number of GAME Reward points based on how long they have held the Membership for. You will receive a final balance of additional GAME Reward points that you have been awarded through Value Guarantee in a separate email.
If you have paid for your Membership for a fixed period of 12 consecutive months:
Example: If you have paid £36.00 for your Membership for 12 months but only used your Membership for a period of 5 months prior to the Membership ending, you would have paid a pro-rated amount of £15.00 for your Membership. If during these 5 months you only acquired £7.00 worth of GAME Reward points, you will be awarded an additional £8.00 worth of GAME Reward points into your GAME Reward account.
If you have paid for your Membership monthly by direct debit:
Example: If you have paid for your Membership monthly by direct debit for a period of 3 months from the month after the last Value Guarantee was paid made (if applicable) and prior to the Membership ending, which amounted to £9.00, but you have only acquired £7.00 worth of GAME Reward points, you will be awarded an additional £2.00 worth of GAME Reward points into your GAME Reward account.
The Value Guarantee amount will be calculated from the date of the last Value Guarantee payment for the previous 12 consecutive months if Value Guarantee will apply based on your GAME Reward points accrued in that period (if applicable).
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